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광고 A well balanced diet plan and exercise helps to lead a healthy mental and physical lifestyle. At, Stamina fitness and wellness center one receives great understanding of food and nutrition. Nutrition helps the the body maintain a healthy weight apart from reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as, cancer, thus helping in living an overall active life Fitness Reserve.

Let us, Stamina the best gym, Fitness center in Greater Kailash, help you make a fruitful start:

First, never skip breakfast! As it is linked to a lower risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It helps replenish blood sugar, which your body needs to power your muscles and brain. On days when you exercise it becomes even more important to have breakfast and to skip it will definitely make you lethargic while working out. Simply put, it is crucial to have breakfast and what you eat. We recommend, fiber and protein rich breakfast as this keeps hunger pangs at bay, provide more energy throughout the day.. Follow these tips:

Eat oatmeal, with fruits, nuts and/or milk.

Have cottage cheese.

Toast with egg, peanut butter etc.

Make sure to supply your body with complex carbohydrates as well. They have more staying power than other grains because these get digested at a slower pace. You’ll feel full for longer plus, supply valuable vitamins and minerals you need to keep your body running at its best.

We all love to snack. Pack as much protein and nuts in your snack as possible as protein helps our system to grow and repair. Try, to choose low saturated protein not always mandated but, does this does work in the long run. Also, red meat along with processed meat should be consumed in hyper moderation. Boost your diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables a these are rich in minerals, vitamins, natural finer and other important compounds. Interesting note, these are low in calories and fat, so you would want to stack them up. Do understand the importance of fats and try to enjoy healthy fats e.g. nuts, seeds, avocados, olives etc.

Another, key aspect we would like to apprise you of, is not to cut too many calories all of a sudden unless you’re a professional being guided by an expert. As, this has seriously implication on the health, will leave you exhausted with very little or no energy at times. Ideally, 1,200 to 1,500 calories is suited for women and 1,500 to 1,800 for men who are looking to loose weight and get fit.

Before we conclude, always remember ‘Balance Is The Key And, Listen To Your Body’. We at Stamina the Best gym in South delhi , fitness and wellness center promote and help healthy nutrition, healthy living, healthy lifestyle